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   PGS Memorial Trophy – Cleobury Mortimer GC – 21 August 2022


18 players including 2 guests gathered for an early Sunday morning start at CMGC. This was the inaugural playing of the Memorial Trophy (The CP Foods Trophy being duly beyond its sell by date and confined to the PGS archives). It is with happy memories we think of Messrs Mendez, Hadley and Slater who have sadly in recent years taken up playing on the fairways in the sky.


Now you have to hand it to our illustrious captain who has sought (and succeeded) in delivering different golf days to the Society. This was a 27 hole day but with the early start of 8 a.m. the draw and arrival instructions were completed 3 days earlier and participants advised via email of what is required. Nevertheless, as is typical with PGS members everyone (including the Jolleys) were there in good time.


The plan was for a 9 hole team competition (on the Foxes course) followed by brunch and then the 18 hole medal on Badgers and Deer. Prior to the event their had been  discussion re the team format. Florida scramble? Texas scramble? – Clearly Pete was getting into a State before eventually using the Lone Star Method. This worked well as in 6 teams of 3 each player had to use 3 drives. Hence in some quarters there was mini team discussions re tactics – all resulting in “just hit the first drives” then we will decide!!


From my own groups perspective (Chairman Keith and David “Buggyman” Yule) we were consistent in parring every hole and even having time for David to take a call from his brother – planning a Scottish devolution move? However this proved a good but not brilliant score as in the last group Nev, Bish and Rick managed a few birdies and narrowly finished ahead of Capt Dodds team where he Eagled the last hole. Cuths team should have fared better but in a divot he actually knocked the ball backwards when playing a forward shot.


During brunch here was further derision of McYule when a CMGC member announced he had found a buggy key in the gents and did it belong to any of our party – don’t worry David your lapse will not be shared with anybody.


There was concern as the medal started as the Dodd group marched purposely to the Deer first tee. Pete it was in the instructions – the Deer was the medal back nine and the front 9 was the Badger. Fortunately they saw the error of their ways just in time and did not tee off. Fines applied but no shot penalties applied. (And Sandwellgate issues avoided!!).


As ever the medal was not without incident. Notso breaking his own javelin record when aggressively throwing the flag on the Badger 8th because he was too lazy to remove the flag and a 12 inch put rebounding away from the hole. Another fine applied!! Birthday boy Gaz drove the Deer 3rd whilst my group were putting out but he still failed to be nearest to the pin in 2!!


David Y was in the news yet again – hitting an enourmous straight drive on Deer 4th only to not find his ball. Taking stroke and distance he was hacked off and ended with an 8. He then birdied the next par three hole chipping in from 40 yards. The tone of expletives changed dramatically and be assured nothing was lost in translation. Golf can do this to us all. The irony was further compounded because on the same 4th hole two groups back Robin the “Tour man” was penalised for playing the wrong ball – yes it was Davids earlier drive!!


Keith also used Anglo Saxon language on the Deer 9th (last hole) as two missed puts from short distance were to cause him a probable loss on the day and possible Champion of Champions success. Of the two guests Dan did well but three putted 7 times (the charity is grateful) whilst Greg was fined for being a moaner – not sure in what context!!??


Back in the clubhouse we then had the Captains Brief. Why hadn’t the last group used the cards Pete has carefully prepared? Terry dressed in green muppet costume was fined for acting his character and paying for the event twice! And our scribe organiser Ian was deep in our thoughts as not only were his Chelsea being thrashed by Leeds but by not playing (and taking his wife on holiday) he has allowed either Keith or Notso to overtake him as CofC. (At time of writing this the CofC has gone to a recount!!)


Everyone agreed the days format had been a great success and enjoyed by all. Three ball groups (where courses allow) work so much more quicklerthan the usual four balls. Pete your efforts are greatly appreciated.


With the Medal results all on the board the prizes were:-


Nearest the pin – Chris Jolley

Nearest the Pin in 2 – Nev Green

Best Guest – Dan Long

Texas Scramble – Nev, Bish and Rick

3rd Place Keith Taylor – net 71 – on countback

2nd Place Nev Green – net 71

1st Place – Pete Jolley – net 69 – or was this Fatima Whitbread?


Our Medal season concludes with the Angel Cup at Burgh Hill Valley on Sept 18th.


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